DOE OASIS DAV SDK project supported by the DOE PESO project.
The data, analysis, and visualization (DAV) software development kit (SDK), or DAV SDK, is an integration effort for the collection of data I/O, analysis, and visualization software developed under the Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR). The software products target using Spack, an HPC-targeted source-based package manager, for deployment on HPC platforms and beyond. The primary product of this project is the dav-sdk
Spack meta-package which builds a set of DAV SDK member packages together in a way that enables optimal features for target environments as well as interoperable features provided by other packages within the DAV SDK. The DAV SDK is an outcome of the work within the DOE OASIS project and is sustained and advanced by the DOE PESO project.
The following projects are included as part of the DAV SDK:
I/O Compression Analysis and Visualization
Spack DAV SDK E4S Frontier Perlmutter Aurora