DOE OASIS DAV SDK project supported by the DOE PESO project.
Project | CPU | CUDA | ROCm | (SYCL) |
ADIOS2 | ✅ | ✅ | (N/A) | N/A |
HDF5 | ✅ | ✅ | N/A | N/A |
PNetCDF | ✅ | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Ascent | ✅ | (🚫) | (🔎) | (N/A) |
DIY | (🔎) | (🔎) | (🔎) | (🔎) |
ParaView | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | (N/A) |
VisIt | ✅ | (✅) | (✅) | (N/A) |
VTK-m | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
ZFP | ✅ | ✅ | (N/A) | N/A |
✅ - Verified 🔎 - In Progress 🚫 - Broken N/A - Not Applicable
SYCL - SYCL extensions are implemented and tested using oneAPI.
ADIOS2 - ADIOS2 ROCm/HIP support is not expected in the near-term release.
DIY - Not yet in DAV SDK.
Ascent - Ascent CUDA blocked by build errors in RAJA package.
Ascent - Ascent spack recipe does not have support for ROCm. It is in under development in the Alpine Spack fork.
Ascent - Ascent currently does not have any known plans for explicit SYCL support.
ParaView - ParaView using oneAPI does not support building SYCL kernels for VTK-m filters in released versions.
VisIt - VisIt utilizes a VTK version locked to a Python that is not compatible with the Python requirements of PyH5, the HDF5 python interface used by Cinema.
VisIt - VTK-m enabled GPU support for CUDA and ROCm is available VisIt, but is not officially tested as part of the DAV-SDK due to (HDF5 conflict) only recently being resolved.
VisIt - VisIt using oneAPI does not support building SYCL kernels for VTK-m filters in released versions.
ZFP - ZFP ROCm support is under development.